Community Planning
Education Network (CPEN)
The Community Planning Education Network LLC is an educational program designed for municipal and county officials involved in the community planning programs in their communities. These include planning commissioners, zoning hearing board members, elected officials, zoning administrators, and staff. Each has duties and responsibilities outlined in the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (MPC) — which is the authority for planning.

CPEN Instruction
The CPEN program is currently composed of nine, 90-minute webinar courses presented on-line using the Zoom platform, in the early evening from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Registration for each course is $25.00. the 90-minute time allows in-depth instruction without students losing focus and attention to the content in a longer time frame.
Courses are taught by two dedicated planning professionals who are skilled in adult instruction. A team approach permits interaction among the instructors and adds interest to the discussion. Built into each session are problem situations that highlight aspects of the instruction. Students will have access to a link to download:
1) Selected Articles of the MPC related to the content of the course they are taking, and
2) A course handbook with thumbnail slides and space for notetaking.
Current Class Schedule
The Tools of Planning​
An overview of the fundamentals of municipal planning that students need as a foundation for their responsibilities, including the Municipalities Planning Code and land use regulations.
The Planning Commissions Job​
In-depth review of the many responsibilities that are found throughout the MPC. Included is the “workload” a municipal, and county, planning commissions.
Comprehensive Planning and Implementation
Components and use of a municipal Comprehensive Plans, how it is used, and regulatory and non-regulatory techniques for plan implementation.
SALDO: Part 1
The purpose of subdivision and Land Development Regulations. Review of the step-by-step Preliminary Plan review process.
SALDO: Part 2
Project development after Preliminary Plan approval; financial guarantees to ensure project completion and protection of the municipality; dedication of infrastructure; “deemed approval.”
Zoning: Part 1
Authority and scope of zoning regulations; Permitted uses, Special Exceptions, and variance criteria.
Zoning: Part 2
Evolving variance criteria following the Hertzberg decision; Fair Share analysis; curative amendments.
Zoning Administration: Part 1
The role of the zoning administrator; jurisdiction of the zoning hearing board.
Zoning Administration: Part 2
The ZHB is the “finder of facts;” procedures for a ZHB hearing; zoning problems.
When the Community Planning Education Network LLC was incorporated in August 2024 the name chosen specifically included the word “network” because it was important to emphasize there are many, varied, sources of information and education that are helpful and available to municipalities and counties as they conduct their planning programs. These resources include governmental, non-governmental, and private agencies and organizations.
While there is no formal “networking” of these groups — nor is that a goal of CPEN — through word-of-mouth and informal contacts, including the CPEN webinars, more officials will at least become aware of the information that is available. Each CPEN course has a slide that lists some of these resources. Course registrants can share resources they have found helpful in carrying out their planning programs.